What does it mean in the scriptures when it says, “Charity beareth all things”?

I think it takes great faith to trust in the Lord despite the bad things that happen to us, despite pain, discouragement, suffering, or persecution. But I think Paul is telling us that it also takes great love to to trust in God’s plan for us when we can’t see where He plans to take us. I’m not sure what this means, but I’d like to study that topic this month and see what I can find out.

I found this piece of prose written by Mother Teresa, who for many years could not feel the presence of God in her life. It seems that this woman of great faith and even greater love, bore great pain for many years. I believe her love for God was astoundingly deep, even though she suffered great heartache and felt estranged from Him:

The pain within is so great…
The place of God in my soul is blank—There is no God in me.
In the darkness…Lord, my God, who am I that You should forsake me?…
The one You have thrown away as unwanted—unloved.
I call, I cling,
I want—and there is no One to answer—no One on
Whom I can cling; no, No One. Alone. The darkness is so dark—and I am alone.
Before I used to get such help & consolation from spiritual direction—from the time the work has started—nothing.

What do you think “Love bears all things” means?