This month in our “Year of Charity,” we are going to explore, ponder, and live “Charity envieth not.”

Envy means jealousy, specifically being jealous and prideful about what someone else has that you do not.

I looked in the dictionary of opposites and discovered that the opposite of envy is generosity. I had never really thought of that before, but it makes perfect sense. How does generosity counteract envy? And what part does God’s generosity play in our overcoming envy? I am going to think about that this month.

I have also heard that the opposite of envy is gratitude. Or perhaps gratitude is the antidote for envy. If we’re grateful for what we have, we don’t have time to envy what someone else has. Our blessings fill our sight, and envy falls away.

This month, I am going to think about how gratitude, generosity, and charity fit together and then try to practice all three. I hope you’ll join me.