Horses on the Farm

Horses on the Farm

| Written by Richard Gappmayer, Jennifer’s father, age 82 | Every farm needs a few horses, either to ride, pull the wagon and the cultivator, or to look at. My father had them for all three reasons as well as to talk about them with his neighbors. He had a real...
The Elk Hunt

The Elk Hunt

By Richard Gappmayer, Jennifer’s father In Utah permits to hunt elk were obtained by participating in a lottery. My father would pay the fee, enter the lottery, and hope to draw a permit. To my knowledge he went elk hunting only once. Here is what happened. I...
Horses on the Farm

Horses on the Farm

By Richard Gappmayer, Jennifer’s father In the 1930s and 40s farm tractors were available but most of the small farmers could not afford one. Some farmers would cooperate in the purchase of one and then share it. Because of scarcity of motorized equipment many...