Charity Seeketh Not Her Own

Charity Seeketh Not Her Own

This year, I am exploring the different aspects of charity as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13. I would love to know any experiences or insights you have as we go throughout the year. This month, we are studying “Charity seeketh not her own.” (As a side note,...
Charity Is Not Puffed Up

Charity Is Not Puffed Up

This month in our “Year of Charity,” we are going to explore, ponder, and live “Charity is not puffed up.” Now, I don’t know about you, but when I think about not being puffed up, I immediately think of pride. E.T. Benson said,...
The Opposite of Envy

The Opposite of Envy

This year, I have been studying the different aspects of charity mentioned in 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. This month’s topic is “Charity envieth not.” The definition of envy is: a feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to another’s...
Charity Does Not Envy

Charity Does Not Envy

This month in our “Year of Charity,” we are going to explore, ponder, and live “Charity envieth not.” Envy means jealousy, specifically being jealous and prideful about what someone else has that you do not. I looked in the dictionary of...